Memory Management

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Yughasini.K ,Sridhar.S

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Efficient key value storage has become one of the significant and most sought out need for the current storage aspects. The efficiency of key value basically depends on the Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability (ACID) properties. The key value holds necessary commands to handle the data. Those key values must have a systematic basic storage and it can be either fixed size or varied length. This systematic storage should be augmented, consecutive, distributed, sustainable and stable. Distributed key value storage helps us to maintain necessary scalability and availability of data. In this paper, the storage discrepancies can be resolved with the mass storage scheme such as Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM).

Keyword :

Key-Value; Memory; Random Access Memory Cloud; Dynamic Random Access Memory; Latency; Capacitors.
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