Massive Multiuser Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output Wireless Communication System on Antenna Array

Article type :

Original article

Author :

B.Gayathri ,R.Anitha

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

This paper is about massive multiple-inputs and multiple-output technology based on the wireless 5G communication system. Surface of antenna in communication engineering applications array deployment regions are usually uneven. In the real antenna deployment scenarios, a spatial distance of massive Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output (MIMO) antenna arrays is usually irregular. The effect of mutual coupling on irregular antenna array is by the channel correlation model and receiver gain. Our result provides guidelines for the massive MIMO antenna deployment in real scenarios. A large number of antennas at the transmitter impose a high computation burden and high hardware overloads. In this communication, we present a dual-polarized antenna array with 144 ports for massive MIMO operation at 3.7 GHZ. The presented MIMO concept can be utilized inorder to improve the angular resolution and to reduce the side lobe level for a given number of transmitting and receiving antenna.

Keyword :

Beam Forming; Antenna Array; Massive Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output
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