Management of Type-2 Diabetes mellitus with Chanaka yoga as a Nutraceutical substance

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Abstract :

Prevention of occurrence or development of diabetes complications by providing a good metabolic control could only be achieved through diabetic patients’ training. The aim of the study is to determine the effects of Ayurvedic Nutraceuticals, which is going with the treatment of patients with type-2 diabetes on nutrition knowledge and consumption habits. Chanaka Yoga is the formulation of Chanaka, Haridra, Daruharidra, Amalaki Haritaki and Bibhitaki. As in many research papers have shown the Anti-Diabetic effect of describing herbs in Chanaka Yoga. Fibre presents in bengal gram especially pectin may lower cholesterol levels by absorbing bile acids. Sodium curcuminate present in Haridra causes an increase in total excretion of bile salts, bilirubin and cholesterol. The extract of Berberis aristata (root) has strong potential to regulate glucose homeostasis through decreased gluconeogenesis. Amalki decreased synthesis of cholesterol and enhanced reverse cholesterol transport by elevating HDL-C level. Aqueous extract of Haritaki reduced the elevated blood glucose and increase in glycosylated hemoglobin. The plant extracts of Bibhitaki decreased the serum levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, urea, uric acid and creatinine.
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