Mahatma Buddha: Life, Philosophy and Influences

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Surendra Pathak

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Siddhartha or Gautama Buddha was born as a prince in the year 624 BC, in Kapilavastu (Nepal). Siddhartha left from his kingdom and went to several well-known teachers to study the ultimate nature of reality. He is known as the Buddha, was the leader and founder of a sect of wanderer ascetics, one of many sects which existed throughout the India. This sect came to be known as Sangha, to distinguish it from other similar communities, but their teachings didn’t satisfy him and he set out to find his own path. His father hoped that his son would one day become a great king. Historian says that the prince was kept away from all forms of religious knowledge and had no idea about the concepts of old age, sickness and death. Once on a trip through the city on a chariot he witnessed an old man, a diseased person, and a corpse. This new knowledge about the sufferings in the world gave rise to several questions within his mind and the prince soon renounced all his worldly affairs in order to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Finally after years of rigorous contemplation and meditation, he found Enlightenment, and became the Buddha, meaning “awakened one” or “the enlightened one

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