Madanpal Nighantu (Lexicon): A Critical Analysis

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Deepak Verma

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Ayurveda, the ancient traditional science is the treasure of India. The great sages like Charaka and Sushruta have elaborated various available herbs in their respective periods in their texts. The categorization of then available herbs into Ganas or Mahakashya varga depending on their chief action/drug has immensely contributed in clinical field. The texts have served the foundational reference to many lexicon. These lexicons i.e. Ashtang nighantu, Dhanwantari nighantu, Raj nighantu, Bhavpraksh nighantu are simplified texts exclusively for the study of plants and its medicinal properties and the codify plant names by grouping synonyms of one plant together. Madanpal nighantu is one such available lexicon the dates back to 11-13 cen. A.D. This article emphasizes mainly on distinctive feature of Madanpal Nighantu. This lexicon followed by the ancient texts like Sushruta Samhita; Ashtang Nighantu; Dravyaguna Samngrha and Shabda pradipa.

Keyword :

Madanpal Nighantu, Lexicon, Ayurveda
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