MATLAB as an Alternative for Speed Control of Direct Current Motor without having Actual Lab

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Abhinav V. Deshpande

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The main aim of this research paper is to introduce the modeling of power components and to facilitate computer simulation as an application tool for conducting transient and control studies. The simulation can be very helpful in gaining insights to the dynamic behaviour and interactions that are often not readily apparent from reading theory. Next to having an actual system is to experiment on. In this research paper, the block diagram of a Direct Current (DC) motor was developed and by using Simulink, a toolbox extension of the MATLAB program, the block diagram was simulated with the expected waveforms output. Moreover, by varying certain constraints of the DC motor block diagram, the resultant waveform of the simulation will change accordingly. These constraints include the field current, armature circuit resistance and the armature voltage. The simulation and modeling of the DC motor also gave a deep look into the expected output when testing the actual DC motor. The results from the simulation were never likely to occur in the real-life condition due to the response times and the condition of the actual motor. The MATLAB and the SIMULINK is used because of the short learning curve, its wide distribution and its general-purpose nature. This will demonstrate the advantages of using MATLAB for analyzing the power system steady state behaviour and its capabilities for simulating the transients in the power systems and power electronics, including the control system dynamic behaviour

Keyword :

MATLAB; Simulink; Direct Current Motor; Speed Control; Armature
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