Lost bet kills man in undignified manner-A rare case report

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Abstract :

Every human being lives for food, comforts, sex and prestige. Exceptions are rare, who believe in dictum of “vanity of vanity, all is vanity’’. Since long men have been known to have more interest in firearms, vehicles, games involving bets etc. than women, but in rural India, this fascination coupled with long standing loan intricacies, involvement of families and issue of prestige can be a deadly combination, waiting to explode at the slightest argument. Murder is the most serious form of human relationship gone wrong. Homicides exclusively due to ano-genital trauma have not been widely reported and most of these rare cases have been reported in children and females due to perverted sexual practices like fisting. Through this paper, we present a case report of a thirty five year old male cab driver, who had purchased a car in installments from friends. When he was told to pay the last ten thousand rupees, he under the influence of alcohol preferred to have a wooden rod shoved up his anus than to pay. He was mercilessly beaten before a rod was forcefully inserted in his anal canal. He was operated upon for anorectal injuries and given highest level of treatment but died four days later. We will discuss the case in detail and emphasize the need of proper history taking, inter-departmental co-ordination and meticulous autopsy.
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