Long-standing iron deficiency anemia could be a presentation of non-classical celiac disease: A case report and literature review

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Article type :

Case Report

Author :

Adnan Abdullah Bakarman, Samira Awad Banser, Rasheed Mohammed Bamekhlah

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Celiac disease (CeD) is a complex disorder characterized by gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms as well as extraintestinal manifestations, sometimes difficult to diagnose. Commonly referred to as a childhood disease, adult CeD is a well-known entity that should be included in the differential diagnosis of chronic diarrhea or malabsorption syndrome. The pathogenesis involves a genetically mediated autoimmune pathway. In individuals with genetic susceptibility, the mucosa of the small intestine is damaged in response to foods containing gluten. The clinical presentation is variable and ranges from typical GI symptoms to extra-intestinal and systemic manifestations. Clinical improvement and restoration of the intestinal mucosa occur simply by eliminating gluten from the diet. We reported a case of CeD in a young man after 6 years of iron deficiency anemia (IDA), without asserting a clear etiology during this time. In our country, the search for CeD in patients with IDA is usually forgotten and we hereby put it in the spotlight.

Keyword :

Anemia, Celiac disease, Fatigue, Iron deficiency, Yemen
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