Knowledge level of the rural women regarding health practices

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

Deeksha Sharma, S. Mohapatra and Namita Shukla

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

In every country women are the back bone of the society. Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living being and an essential part of all irrespective of age, caste, creed, race, religion and economic standard. In India utilization of basic health services are very poorly due to less household income, higher illiteracy and ignorance and a host of traditional factors. This study was conducted to determine the knowledge level of the selected rural women regarding health practices. Descriptive research design was conducted. The study was carried out in Allahabad district of Uttar Pradesh during the year of 2013-14. Chaka block was selected purposively from which four villages were selected purposively. Thirty women from each village were selected randomly. Thus the total sample size comprised of 120. The data was tabulated and analyzed with the help of statistical techniques like frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and correlation co-efficient. It is concluded that most of the respondents were having medium level of knowledge. A significant positive association is found between age and knowledge level of respondents. Middle age group respondents have more knowledge than any other age groups. A positive significant association is found between education and knowledge level. Upto primary class respondents have more knowledge than other respondents.

Keyword :

Rural women, Knowledge, Awareness, Health , Hygiene practices, Menstruation
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