Knowledge, attitude and practice in diabetic retinopathy among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A hospital based cross sectional study

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

Soumya H V, Priyamvada P V, Rajendra R, Premnath Raman, Prabhakar S K

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Background: Diabetic retinopathy is a major microvascular complication of diabetes mellitus causing blindness in patients with diabetes mellitus. Lack of knowledge about diabetic retinopathy and its complications is the major cause for increasing blindness in India. The aim of the study is to evaluate the knowledge about diabetic retinopathy and its influence on attitude and practice in diabetic retinopathy among patients coming to a tertiary care centre in karnataka. Materials and Methods: Patients coming to tertiary care centre were interviewed by a single interviewer with questionnaire consisting of knowledge, attitude and practice questions prepared in English and responses noted and analysed. A pilot study was conducted in sample population before starting the study. Results: Out of 300 patients, 173 were males (57.7%) and 127 were females (42.3%). The minimum age of males and females was 31 and 32 years respectively. Among 300 diabetic patients, 163 patients (54.3%) had no knowledge about diabetic retinopathy compared to 137 patients(45.7%) who had knowledge about diabetic retinopathy which is statistically significant with p value (68.6%) compared to females (31.4%) which is statistically significant with p value of educational status and socioeconomic status increased, there was statistically significant increase in knowledge. Patients with longer duration of diabetes had good knowledge which is statistically significant. Patients with more knowledge and longer duration of diabetes were found to follow a good practice in diabetic retinopathy which is statistically significant with a p value of less than 0.05. Conclusion: Lack of knowledge about complications and screening methods is the cause for worsening the attitude and practice in diabetic retinopathy. Patient education at primary health care and community level can provide patients with positive attitude towards treatment and follow good practice patterns to prevent blindness due to diabetic retinopathy.

Keyword :

 Attitude, Diabetic retinopathy, Knowledge, Practice.
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