Judicial review of arbitral award: a policy review on delimitation of patent illegality in india

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Amit Kumar Kashyap,Kanya Saluja

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

In the legal interpretation of the grounds for setting aside arbitral awards, the ambiguity in the recourse against an arbitral award is an issue of genuine concern and relevance. The various amendments and judicial precedents made under Section 34 in the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 have provided a near end to the definition of Public Policy. However, it is still an area that requires various changes to make the practice of setting aside Arbitral awards an exception rather than a regular exercise. One of the reasons for annulling or refusing to implement an arbitral judgment is“patent illegality,”which has generated intense debate among practitioners both in India and abroad. This research article discusses the nuances in highlighting the flaws and loopholes contributing to the execution and non-execution of arbitral awards. This research article discusses the jurisprudence and various precedents in the context of Patent Illegality under the Public Policy of India and how the Supreme Court of India, in multiple instances, contradicted its judgments and provided a vagueness in interpreting the setting aside of Arbitral Award in different scenarios.

Keyword :

Judicial Review, Patent Illegality, Arbitration
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