Influence of Resilience and Self-esteem among Undergraduate Students in Chennai, India: An Exploratory Study

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Lajwanti Motilal Jethwani , Dr. R. Subhashini

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

This study investigate the influence of resilience and self-esteem among undergraduate college students (N=110) in Chennai district, Tamil Nadu. An exploratory design is used among undergraduate students using purposive random sampling technique. In this case, two questionnaires are administered, Self-esteem is assessed by using the Rosenberg selfesteem scale (1965) and English version of Resilience Scale - RS-14 is also used in this study (Wagnild, 2010). Correlational and regression analysis shows statistically significant relationships between resilience and self-esteem (r=0.24**, P

Keyword :

Self-esteem; Resilience; College Students
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