Increase of steel channel resistance through the application and formation of antifriction powder coating in the knots

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

V. Ivanov,E. Marchenko,A. Panfilov

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The article presents materials on the study of the issue of increasing the resistance of technically complex twisted wire products-steel rope. The authors studied in detail the mechanisms and factors of formation of defects that lead to steel rope rejection. The cause abrasion and breakage of the wire strands in the locks (nodes) to couple the pusher is lack of mobility due to the lack of necessary quantity of lubricant for normal operation of a steel rope. The lubricants used in the manufacture of steel rope and its operation do not meet the requirements for durability, which leads to a decrease in the service life (loading cycles) established by the manufacturer. To solve the problem of increasing the resistance of steel ropes, the authors propose a new method of forming an antifriction powder coating based on molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) in the locks (nodes) of the coupler and on the surface of the wire by injection under pressure of compressed air antifriction powder material and fixing it on a complex surface by local hardening using a ball-rod hardener. Experimental tests of the surface layer of steel wire rope of different material coated with antifriction powder showed that the coefficient of friction is reduced from 3 to 9 times, and their wear resistance increased from 4 to 20 times. The main conclusions characterizing nanoscale pattern micro/nanoprobes the original surface of the sample, the steel wire rope of carbon steel according to GOST 1050 and GOST 14959. With anti-friction coating (MoS2), powder. From the presented drawings, the surface coated with molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) in comparison with the untreated becomes more flat, the micro-steps are rounded.

Keyword :

durability, steel rope, anti-friction powder coating, plastic deformation, ball core strengthening, surface profile.
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