Improving the safety of operation mobile transport and technological machines with manipulators when working with outriggers

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

I.A. Lagerev,A.V. Lagerev

Volume :


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Abstract :

A new design of the outriggers for mobile transport and technological machines with manipulators was developed. A new type of a outrigger allow to increase the overall stability when manipulator is working. The main support complemented by an anchoring device for the counteracting for machine overturning and shear service loads. The working element of the anchor device is inserted into the base surface at an angle. This ensures the formation of stress fields between the main support and anchor device. The FEM-simulation confirm the effectiveness of new outrigger design. It is theoretically found that working on the anchor device trying to escape from the base surface. Its front surface is consistently crack the soil by the rotating displacement of its adjacent layers along lines that would lead to the formation of the characteristic buckling of originally flat surface. The main support is counteracting for this process. Thus a second shear direction (perpendicular to the first direction) is create and significant increase of additional holding moment for 10..40 % (depending on base chassis). If angle between anchor device and base surface is 30…45 degrees the maximum efficiency will be obtained.

Keyword :

mobile transport and technological machine, handling system, manipulator, crane-manipulator, outrigger, anchor, total sustainability.
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