Impacts of New Architectural Materials on Urban Designing

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Elham Karimi,Parvane Simaei

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Buildings and live in them over the last two decades has changed. Technological advancements and scientific researches, especially in nanotechnology and smart materials in the latter part of the 20th century, encourage new approaches for the architecture. There have been many studies on Nano-materials smart materials and “searching a new architecture” with the help of architecture and nanotechnology and smart materials. We try to explain Smart and Nano Materials and their impact on architecture. So, Smart and Nano materials can perform like living systems, simulating human skin, the body’s muscles, a leaf’s chlorophyll and self-regeneration. Through the development of materials, products and innovative construction methods, building towards more efficient and more economical and environmentally friendly is essential. We are now at the threshold of the next generation of buildings, buildings with various degrees of Ecological behavior are fully compatible and are capable of using smart materials and functional (Hi-Tech) technology appropriate to the direct and indirect changes around them respond and adapt to the conditions. This article is cooperation between an architect and a materials scientist on the future of materials and their influence in architecture. By explaining that we intend to illustrate and suggest directions ranging from the functional to the expressive, from tectonics to morphology.

Keyword :

Smart Materials, Nanotechnology Materials, Architecture
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