Impacts of Genetic Algorithms on Transfer Costs

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Seyed Masoumi

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Abstract :

Distributed database were developed to respond to the needs of distributed computing. Unlike traditional database systems, distributed database distributed at multiple sites. A distributed database is a collection of sites that are connected over the network, each of the sites, Have their own database, But they can work together, so that each user in each site can have access to all the data in the network, just like that all user data is stored on the site. The main objective of the allocation algorithm to determine the proportion of the various parts of the site is to reduce the cost of shipping the piece. This study presents an algorithm to reduce the cost of data transfer when allocating parts is, in such a manner that First of all, parts of the of the site, it should be, second reduce the cost of transmission components sites should Third update costs for all components that are present at the site should be optimized, However, all the conditions for the transfer of part of the site is selected, so that the reliability and availability of the site increases. In this study, the assignment of parts to a site in a distributed database system is done using genetic algorithms, Efforts to reduce the cost of data transmission. To review and consider the advantages of the previous method, the initial population, we have tried to better optimality of previous approaches is the initial population and a genetic algorithm to select the best chromosome instead of two parameters, the three parameters used. Analytical study shows that the proposed algorithm to other algorithms, the benefits and availability of data and reduce costs in the allocation of parts.

Keyword :

Distributed database, data segmentation, GA.
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