Impact of Health Education on Breastfeeding Behaviour of Mothers in UT Chandigarh

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Meenu Kalia

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Introduction: Despite global efforts for improving nutritional status of children, desired outcomes could not be achieved. Infant and young child feeding practices (IYCF) may be influenced by some intervention Aim: To evaluate the effects of interventions on optimal IYCF practices. Methodology: Community based longitudinal study was undertaken to find IYCF status among children in Rural, Urban and Slum population of UT Chandigarh. Mothers of infants willing to participate in the study and satisfying the inclusion criteria and also children below three years of age within selected clusters served as study units/respondents for qualitative as well as quantitative surveys at pre-interventional and post-interventional stages. Results: There were 279 mothers surveyed in the study group and 228 mothers in the control group based on intervention and no intervention respectively. About 46% mothers in the study group and 41.7 % mothers in the control group were of the opinion that prelacteal feed (PLF) should not be given. In both the groups, maximum of respondents were in favour of feeding colostrum. Also, 43.3% mothers in study group and 41.7% mothers in control groups opined that duration of breast feeding should be 6 months or more. Conclusions and Suggestions: Present study provides evidence of positive impact of interventions in terms of creating awareness and counselling of mothers and elderly women in the community on adoption of optimal IYCF by mothers. There is a need to plan area specific programs to create an enabling environment for comprehensive health education of mothers so as to protect, promote and sustain IYCF practices.

Keyword :

: Infant and young child feeding practices (IYCF) pre-lacteal feed (PLF), Exclusive breast feeding (EBF), complementary feeding (CF)

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