Impact of Caste System in Indian Democracy

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Dr. N.Veemaraja

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

In India, the caste system developed and is prevalent since ancient times and it remains as a great thorn in the growth of Mother India. The origin of caste system could be the functional groupings, called varnas, which have their origins in the Aryan society. "According to the Rig Veda hymn, the different classes sprang from the four limbs of the Creator. The Creator‘s mouth became the Brahman priests, his two arms formed the Rajanya (Khastriyas), the warriors and kings, his two thighs formed the Vaishya, landowners and merchants, and from his feet were born the Shudra (Untouchables) artisans and servants. Then, it is believed that the caste system had been adopted by the Brahmins to express their superiority. When the Aryan races swept into India, they wanted to maintain the superiority and so they maintained the caste systems. Gradually the caste system became formalized into four major groups, each with its own rules and regulations and code of conduct.

Keyword :

Evolution of Caste System, Democracy
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