Impact of Barriers and Remedial Measures in Foreign Trade of India

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Dr.S.Rajamohan ,D.Joel Jebadurai

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

India performance in the global trade is enhanced after the new economic policy in 1991. Industries are started and entered in the foreign trade are encouraged by the government with the lot of schemes and initiatives for the reason of the development of the economy. But international business is still complicated one for the industries are located in developing countries like India. It is mainly concerned with the reason of the industries are sunk with the various trade and Non trade barriers are involved in the international business. This paper focus on the various types of trade and nontrade barriers is involved in the international business, remedial measures to solve the barriers in the international business.

Keyword :

International Trade, Trade barriers, Nontrade barriers, Trade Measures
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