Human teeth as a reliable age marker: A study on migrant labour population

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Article type :

Case Report

Author :

Anand Shankar, Anupama J Anand*

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Abstract :

Age is one among the factors which is supposed to be identified in establishing identity of an unknown or deceased person. It is found to be more reliable and accurate to determine the age of a person. The determination of age can be achieved from various physical markers present in body, this includes teeth, bones, and skull. There is certain age where the long bones tend to complete their growth, the growth of skull is well marked by the time of order of their suture closures. A well-developed cranial bone depicts that it is intersected with a suture. besides the bone and skull another reliable physical marker is the human teeth, teeth is considered to be the hardest tissue in humans which is not affected by the factors such as heat, temperature, moisture etc. it is an effective identifier in cases of mass disaster where it is practically impossible to determine the identity of the person through the bones available from the crime site. Teeth is a very important factor to determine the age in disputed cases. Since the age can be estimated even from skeletal remains, teeth are preferred for estimation in certain cases as it is considered to be one among the hardest tissues of the human body. Teeth has got a very unique feature as it cannot be destroyed by heat or any thermal factors or other environmental factors. This property of the teeth has to be effectively utilized for age estimation. The following study was conducted on migrant workers working on a peeling company, the purpose behind the study is to determine whether all the workers have 18 years of age and to ensure that no or none of them are working below the age of 18. There are certain cases reporting that some of these workers have found committing impersonating forgery claiming to be above 18 years of age. The study is specifically to find the age of workers by examining the teeth and also to find if any forgery is done or not. This study was also done to check whether labor laws has been violated or not in accordance with the Constitution of India, no child below the age fourteen years of age shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or engaged in any other hazardous employment, therefore employment of a child under the age of 14 years is punishable by law (child labor prohibition and regulation act of 2012). The need of the study arises from this very fact that the proof of age is not an authenticated document. With repeated reports of forgery regarding the proof of age, submitting ration card as proof of age. And in the wake of current scenarios to ensure that no child is exploited in any kind of ways. The study was done on migrant labor population working in a factory and the estimation is carried out using the Demirjian method along with Acharya’s India specific value and the probable age of the respondents are calculated.  

Keyword :

Age marker, Teeth, OPG, Demirjian.
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