Homoeopathic Approach to Hypertension and its Miasmatic Background: An Observational Study

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Abstract :

Hypertension is one of the most important lifestyle related disease. Its prevalence is ever increasing due to the stress and strain of modern lifestyle. Hypertension results in secondary organ damage and reduced life span if it is not diagnosed early and treated promptly. It often goes undetected resulting in high mortality rate. A clinical, non comparative study was undertaken to study and analyze the effectiveness of the homoeopathic system of medicine in hypertension. The study was carried out from January 2012 to January 2016. A total of 50 cases of Primary/Essential hypertension were taken including all age group of both sexes. Even complicated cases with other systemic diseases were included in the study. The result showed that the success rate was 86%.The fundamental miasm was syco-syphilitic in nature and the Dominant miasm at the level of expression varied with Psoric miasm 60%, Sycotic miasm 24%, Tubercular miasm 02% and Syphilitic miasm 14%.It was concluded that Constitution remedy is useful in a majority of cases. Acute remedies at times proved useful tocontrol the acute exacerbation of high BP. At times mother tinctures proved useful to control thehigh blood pressure in conjunction with the constitutional remedy, especially in cases with a syphilitic load. Overall the results varied according to the expression engrafted on the fundamental miasm i.e. Psoric expressions - Good; Sycotic - Fair; Tubercular - Difficult and Syphilitic - Poor. However further validation by Randomized Control Trials (RTC) will prove useful.

Keyword :

Hypertension, Miasms, Homoeopathic Medicines
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