Home-schooling in the 21st Century: Role of Technology in Supporting Parents in Home-schooling their Children

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Dr. Mamta Roy

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

A large majority of parents who home-school their children have different ideas as to the way their child should be educated. The parents who home-school their children have a deep desire to design their child’s education according to their deeply held belief systems especially about what their child needs to learn. Parental involvement is an integral aspect of home schooling as the commitment is of a deeper kind. Homeschooling today is viewed as a small, but integral part of the alternative education ecosystem. It has gained wider attention and more-mainstream acceptance as the numbers of students learning at home have seen unprecedented increase. This trend is due to technological advances and is driven in some measure by the expansion of virtual/online schooling options.

Keyword :

Home-schooling, Technology, Parental Involvement, Student Needs, Emerging Technologies

Doi :

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