High-performance liquid chromatography as an assay method for the investigation of conditions of enalapril maleate extraction by organic solvents

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Abstract :

Introduction: Modern methods of isolating drugs from biological material are based on the individual physic-chemical properties of the compounds, so the choice of optimal conditions for isolation from biological objects, cleaning extracts of impurities are a pressing issue for improving existing and developing new methods of analytical and bioanalytical analysis. The objective of this research was to select the optimal conditions for the extraction of enalapril maleate (EM) by organic solvents from water solutions in dependence on pH solutions. Materials and Methods: The chromatographic analysis of enalapril performed on liquid chromatograph ACQUITY Arc System. Results: The extraction of enalapril by organic solvents from water solutions in dependence on pH solutions has been conducted. The quantitative determination of enalapril by high-performance liquid chromatography methods has been conducted. Conclusion: As a result of studies, we have found that the optimal extragent is chloroform, which is extracted at pH 5–90.74% and methylene chloride is extracted at pH 4–81.39%. We have found that EM least extracted with hexane, so these conditions may be cleaned extract from coextractives impurities.

Keyword :

Key words: Enalapril maleate, extraction, high-performance liquid chromatography, organic solvents
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