
Article PDF :

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Article type :

Case report

Author :

Srirambonu*, Gadadhar sarangi**, R.P. Mishra**

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Though hepatoblastomas are rare tumours, but when a child presents with abdominal lump, decreased appetite, weight loss and triad of hepatic mass by imaging studies, high levels of serum AFP and thrombocytosis, should always raise suspicion of hepatoblastoma. All other conditions should be ruled out by clinical examination, bio-chemical tests and histological studies. So early recognition of the tumour may lead to early and prompt intervention and speedy recovery. LIVER BIOPSY remains the GOLD STANDARD diagnostic tool for confirming HEPATOBLASTOMA. The role of paediatricians, pathologist and paediatric surgeons are very important to diagnose and manage the condition.

Keyword :

hepatoblastoma ,malignant liver tumours,alpha fetoprotein,abdominal lump
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