Habitat Use Among Shorebirds in the Lakes of Bengaluru

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Abstract :

Birds make use of their varied habitats with an almost bewildering array of foraging strategies, performing important ecological functions in the process. Many birds capture and eat other animals, from tiny insects to large vertebrates, sometimes including other birds. Water birds use many kinds of wetlands, including swamps, lagoons, mudflats, estuaries, bays and open beaches, freshwater and saltwater lakes, rivers, floodplain wetlands and dams. Mudflats and the shallow edges of water bodies are rich feeding areas for these species. Shoreline foragers feed on invertebrates, fish and amphibians, in shallow floodplains. Bangalore being a city of lakes harbours several fresh water shore birds. The bird community structure is affected by changes in vegetation structure either due to natural or any human induced disturbances and therefore they are sensitive indicator of pollution in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem. Three wetlands in Bangalore were taken as study areas for the duration of eight months between the periods May 2017 to December 2017. An all-out random survey was conducted twice a day between 6AM to 8AM and 4PM to 6PM. A total of 17 species of shore birds were observed and recorded for study guilds. The two commonest behavioral patterns were foraging and resting. It was found that shore birds adapt to the different shoreline depending upon availability of food and natural habitat. In the absence of natural habitat, it was seen that shore birds utilize swamp bed shoreline for foraging and resting.

Keyword :

Shorebirds, Wetlands, Animal behavior, Urbanization
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