Growth and Distribution of Bidi Workers in India with special reference to the Indian Sundarban Region

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Binod Kumar Sardar

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Abstract :

Bidi rolling is the major occupation of the women and children of the backward rural areas. It provides direct employment to about 4.8 million workers in India (Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govt. of India, 2018). West Bengal has the highest number of female bidi workers, followed by Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Andhra Pradesh. The bidi industry is the fourth largest employers of workers in India and majority of them are home-based unorganized women workers. In West Bengal, distribution of bidi workers varies from one district to another, the highest being in Murshidabad district. The Sundarban region, comprising 19 CD Blocks has a total number of nearly 80,000 bidi workers with the largest concentration in the Kultali block. The study provides a brief account of the growth and distribution of the bidi industry in the Indian Sundarban region.

Keyword :

Bidi Rolling Sundarban Unorganized Sector Backward Rural Area Tobacco Cultivation
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