Green Business: Sustainability within Saudi Vision 2030

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

Dr. Divya Rana*1(Assistant Professor) & Ruba Suliman Alayed2 (MBA Student)

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Sustainability reflects a shared common vision of contributing towards a secure and sustainable society for humanity. In which the use of resources, the trend of technological development and institutional change and the direction of investments are all in regularity way by enhancing both current and future potential to meet human needs and aspirations. As oil and gas production and exploration continues to be a priority. Oil and gas companies over the world included Saudi Arabia are implementing policies and regulations to reinforce the sustainability of the industry. Through the Saudi Vision 2030 and the 2020 National Transformation Program, Saudi Arabia defined a goal and critical measures to the kingdom's long-term survival for sustainable development and balanced growth. After carefully considering the available literature, the paper concluded that the success of the 2030 Vision in the oil and gas sector depends on the effective involvement and empowerment of pertinent companies at all levels of the Kingdom. As well as the development of comprehensive strategies and policies mechanisms to guide progress towards sustainability. Although the transformed plan for Saudi Vision 2030 will be a challenge to the pursuit, especially from the oil and gas sector. Overall, Saudi Arabia is highly expected to contribute to improving global sustainability provides the plant with greener projects and initiatives transpiring in the homeland over the course of the next several years.

Keyword :

Sustainability, Green Business, Saudi Vision 2030, and National Transformation Program.
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