For higher income grow vegetable crops

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Article type :

Case Report

Author :

Subash Singh* and Kulvir Kaur1

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

A vegetable grower engaged in various agricultural activities under the expertise advice has the potential to empower him/her through the adoption of knowledge, skills, motivation, and competencies that underpin sustainable agriculture. A case study was undertaken to analyse the factors affecting level of income earned from vegetable growing and summarize the benefits after following the improved agricultural technology. For this, the achievements by a progressive vegetable grower Mr. Davinder Singh, village Mushkabad, tehsil- Samrala and district Ludhiana were assessed through an interaction. Though, being a marginal land holder, he has made a unique identity through vegetable cultivation in Punjab state through his scientific attitude, ideas and hardworking. According to him it could possible after he adopted all the advanced agricultural technologies of Punjab Agricultural University in his vegetable farming. Though, farming over a total of ten acres of his operational agricultural land, Mr. Singh emerged as a successful vegetable grower and has become a nation symbol. In addition to these, he has also made a milestone in dairy farming. In this manuscript, his achievements as vegetable grower and allied expertise have been presented which can be lessons to other poor and marginal land holders.

Keyword :

Income, Vegetable, Crops, Grow, Higher
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