Factors Affecting the Degree of Aggression among Students of Indian University

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Sunny Sachdeva

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Background: An average of 565 adolescents and young adults between the ages of 10 and 29 year die each day as a result of interpersonal violence across the world. Although a majority of crimes are committed by youth by virtue of their large physical energy along with their aggressive nature. Objective: To determine the factors affecting the degree of aggression among students of Panjab University, Chandigarh. Methodology: A sample of 400 students was selected from various departments and Centers of Panjab University. Then from these departments the respondents who were present at the time of the survey were selected by convenient sampling method for the study. Results: Half of the respondents (58.5%) lie in mild aggression category of score (58-87), some (21.7%) respondents lie in severe aggression category of score (88-145) and (19.8%) respondents lie in normal aggression category of score (29-57). Conclusion: Various factors like mother’s occupation, family monthly income had significant impact on aggressive behavior of students.

Keyword :

Aggression, Dietary habits, Mother’s occupation, Parental history Youth
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