Experimental evaluation of spring and damping properties high-safety wheels

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

V. Mazur

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Abstract :

A well-known disadvantage of pneumatic tires is the loss of work ability with mechanical damage through and forces the use of wheels with internal additional supports to improve the safety of civilian vehicles and the survivability of wheeled armored vehicles. These wheels retain the mobility of the wheeled vehicle and provide long steady and controlled movement at high speed even with the loss of excess air pressure in several pneumatic tires. However, the loss of excess air pressure even in one pneumatic tire leads to a noticeable deterioration in most of the performance properties, especially when driving on roads with uneven surfaces or in off-road conditions. Intensive oscillations lead to an increase in the vibration level of the driver, passengers and goods transported by the vehicle, reducing the performance of high-speed properties, fuel efficiency, stability and controllability of the wheeled vehicle. The Bratsk State University has developed a design and made full-scale models of high-safety wheels with internal additional supports made of elastic polyurethane of domestic production for a car. Under laboratory conditions, the output parameters of the spring and damping properties of the created full-scale models were determined, which affect the oscillations and smooth running of the motor vehicle. The results of experimental studies can be claimed by manufacturers of civil and military vehicles, wheeled armored vehicles and special machines.

Keyword :

safe wheels, springing system, smooth running, normal springiness coefficient, non-spring resistance coefficient, elliptical exponent model.
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