Examining the Importance of Organisational Culture, Employee Commitment and Leadership on Project Performance of Organisations in Malaysia

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Goitseone Bridget Khwae,Dr. Azadeh Amoozegar

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The project performance of organisations have proven to be important in terms of ensuring that the projects remain profitable and that there are no hindrances for the success of the project. Therefore, continuous assessing of the project performance helps to further improve the performance. The study aims to examine the project performance of private organisations in Malaysia particularly in Kuala Lumpur and Cyberjaya, basing it on organisational culture, employee commitment and leadership. A survey was carried out, using questionnaires and valid data collected from 121 respondents. The research findings reveal that organisational culture, employee commitment and leadership influences the project performance. In conclusion, meaningful recommendations are made based on the results to successfully implement, manage and promote better project performances.

Keyword :

Organisational Culture, Employee commitment, Leadership, Project performance, Effectiveness, Business Success
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