Environ-Legal Frame for Sustainable Development: Emerging Issues and Judicial Response in India

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

Dr. Shashi Nath Mandal

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The environment has always got a special position in human civilization, but the forms are different. Initially, it was a subject of prayer, when the trees, fire, water was worshiped by the people throughout the globe. In the passage of the and change in the lifestyle of the people, lower attention was given on environment and its protection, rather it started violating general norms of the environment in the name of development, industrialization, urbanization, etc. Finally, the world civilization has awakened and has taken various commitments and adopted lots of resolutions at international as well as national level. The thought behind the commitments is not only to save the environment by adopting laws for the present generation but to keep the environment safe and protected so the future generation can also survive. Various legal frameworks have been adopted in order to enjoy the environment and protect the environment for the future generation without compromising for the present population globally. Indian judicial system has also contributed remarkably in this pious venture and issued lots of guidelines and principles in the line of international commitments and social welfare at large. In this paper, the subject will be analyzed taking a reference to the various decisions of the Supreme Court and High Courts, besides relevant national legal provisions in regard to the environment protection, sustainable development and response of Indian judiciary therein.

Keyword :

Sustainable Development, Environment Protection, Sustainable Development, Environmental Jurisprudence, Human Right, Judicial Decision.
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