Emerging Inequalities in Gender Relations: A Post-Displacement Analysis of Sardar Sarovar Project Resettlement Sites, India

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Dr. Gaurav Sikka

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Development projects involving displacement of populations transform the gender relations within the communities. In some cases, the social impacts of projects might lead to more egalitarian gender relations. For example, in a resettlement scheme in Zimbabwe, women tended to be less constrained by past kinship patterns and had better relations with their husbands (Koenig 1995). However, in many other cases, and in this particular study, gender relations have been devalued after displacement resulting in the relegation of women to a lower status and creating gender inequalities. The Sardar Sarovar HydroProject in India is one of the biggest multi-purpose river projects and has displaced more than 45,000 families since the 1990s. The article is based on the responses and narratives of the men and women respondents collected during the interviews at the resettlement sites. As a follow up to the focus group discussions, in-depth interviews with a purposive sample were conducted to collect responses to the tools of gender analysis framework and to understand the impact of resettlement on gender relations. The article examines the effect of displacement and resettlement on the different activities performed by men and women within the household and the community. It highlights the findings from the analysis tools of a gender analysis framework and presents them in the light of theoretical positions like Women in Development (WID) and Gender and Development (GAD). It also attempts to ascertain that inequalities in gender relations have emerged spatially and temporally among the resettler community in a post-displacement scenario.

Keyword :

Displacement Resettlement Inequalities Gender Relations WID GAD
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