Effectiveness of clinical pharmacist intervention on smoking secession

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Abstract :

This work was carried out in a tertiary-care hospital at Calicut,kerala The patients under study will be included, males, children and even females aging between 17 – 75 years with lungs disease, hypertension, coronary artery disease, Asthma, carcinoma and allergic complaints. The study evaluated the effectiveness of a hospital initiated smoking cessation intervention by a clinical pharmacist that included 3 months of follow up and also analyzed the baseline demographics of smokers. The pharmacist-managed Smoking Cessation program successfully aided approximately more than half its participants to quit smoking at 1 and 3 months. Although higher attendance rates increase cessation rates, steps could be taken in order to effectively maximize the pharmacist’s time and minimize patient commitment, while also achieving the best patient outcomes. The most common reasons for quitting smoking were a concern with the current health status and a concern with the future health status.
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