Effect of modern lifestyle on reproductive health

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Abstract :

Infertility defined as the inability of a couple to achieve conception after one year of regular undefended coitus. Sterility is an absolute state of failure to conceive. Conception depends on fertility potential of both male and female partner. The male is directly responsible in about 30-40%, the female in 40-50% and both are responsible in 10% cases. The remaining 10% is unexplained in spite of thorough investigations with modern techniques. The causes of infertility are wide ranging which are such as, ovulatory disorders, tubal disease, endometriosis, chromosomal abnormalities, sperm factors and unexplained infertility. Lifestyle factors have had a spectacular impact on general health and the capacity to reproduce. Some common cause of infertility related to lifestyle such as excessive smoking, alcohol intake, degrading environment, high pollution levels, changes in diet and stress etc. that affect fertility negatively both in male and female. The present topic is taken to find out the role of lifestyle factors play in the development of infertility.
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