Effect of formaldehyde treated concentrate, urea and soybean meal on compound growth rate of milk yield and correlation studies in lactating cows

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

N.S. Chore, S.D. Chavan, R. R. Shelke and P. A. Kahate

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Present investigation entitled “effect of formaldehyde treated concentrate, urea and soybean meal on compound growth rate of milk yield and correlation studies in lactating cows” was undertaken at Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairy Science, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola. Feeding of 1.5 per cent formaldehyde treated 70:30 sugras : SBM concentrate mixture with 2 per cent added urea diet to lactating cows (T3) was evaluated in relation to sugras untreated ration (T1). It was observed that intakes in cows were non-significantly influenced by the parameters except water intake as out of the five animals only 2 animals showed significant impact due to DMI and TDNI and none of the animals due to DCPI. The values were 0.30, 0.74, 0.30 and 0.28 per cent per week for DMI, DCPI, TDNI and TWI, respectively. This reflected in an increase of 1.14 per cent in milk yield/week in cows. It was noticed that DCPI had a greater influence on milk yield of cows in all the groups except T5 group as the correlation values were positive and significant, being r = 0.770, 0.764 and 0.921 of high magnitude in T1, T2 and T3 groups, respectively and 0.588 of medium order in T4 group while it was positive but non-significant (r= 0.431) in T5 group. The correlation values observed for maximum and minimum ambient temperature were positive non-significant, being r = 0.186 and 0.137, 0.243 and 0.074, 0.324 and 0.081, 0.230 and 0.067 and 0.250 and 0.094 in T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 treatments, respectively. In contrast correlation co-efficient values between RHI and daily milk yield were negative non-significant in T1, T2 and T4 treatments, being r = -0.481, -0.546 and -0.424, respectively while the association was negative significant in T3 (r = - 0.642) and in T5 ( r = - 0.778).

Keyword :

Formaldehyde, Sugras, Urea, Soybean meal, DMI, DCP, Milk yield, Compound growth rate, Correlation studies
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