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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

J. Kavitha, S. Aarthi, S. Bhuvaneshwari, L. Sakthikumar, R. Mahalakshmy

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Biosensors can be also divided into several categories based on the transduction process, such as electrochemical, optical, piezoelectric, and thermal/calorimetric biosensors. Among these various kinds of biosensors, electrochemical biosensors are a class of the most widespread, numerous and successfully commercialized devices of biomolecular electronics. Carbon and carbon based materials such as carbon nanotubes (single and multi-walled), graphene oxides, and fullerenes are good materials for various fields like battery applications, and biosensors due to their higher electrical conductivity, high mechanical strength, high surface area, thermal stability etc. On the other hand, conducting polymers have attracted behavior owing to their electrocatalytic activity and higher conductivity compared to those of carbon based materials. Among those conducting polymers, polyindole (PIn) is a great one with more advantages, such as its mechanical flexibility, light weight and low cost. Metal composites such as Mn2O3, Fe3O4, Ti2O3, Co3O4, NiO, and Cr2O3 have attracted fantastic attention in current years owing to their potential in environmental monitoring, sensor, drug delivery, photocatalysis, biomedical diagnosis, and energy storage applications These interesting properties revealed one of the greatest hopeful aspirants for their industrial applications. Among these metal oxides, Ti2O3 metal oxide have been commonly used in the invention of electrochemical biosensors, semiconductors, and in making electrical goods due to its large strong catalytic ability, adsorptive ability and surface area. Also it is cheaper than the traditional catalysts and these nanoparticles is easily incapacitating on the external of the metal electrodes, but secure them directly on the carbon electrode surface is quite difficult. The new metal ligand complex of NKDA-Metal(7) was the assynthesized NM has high dispersible property in water. The modified SPCE of NKDA – Zinc complex have electro-catalytic activity towards the detection of L-Met. The electrochemical behaviors of the NZ/SPCE were examined using cyclic voltammetry, and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). The antibacterial activity of the complex was evaluated using Disc-Diffusion method. Key words: Metal-drug complexes, Electrochemical study, Biosensor, Nitroketene dithioacetal complex, antibacterial activity.

Keyword :

Metal-drug complexes, Electrochemical study, Biosensor, Nitroketene dithioacetal complex, antibacterial activity.
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