Dry eye following cataract surgery

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Aim To Evaluate Dry Eye changes after small incision cataract surgery and Phacoemulsification. Materials and Methods This is a prospective study with 100 Uncomplicated Cataract patients between age group above 45-75years undergoing cataract surgery were taken for the study and dry eye changes were analyzed at 7,30 and 90 days after SICS and PHACOEMULSIFICATION including clear corneal incision and scleral incision by TBUT and Schirmers test. Results After 90 days postoperatively 12% of patients proved dry eye changes with reduced TBUT, 14% patients showed dry eye symptoms which were more marked in patients who underwent phacoemulsification. Conclusion 3 months after cataract surgery (SICS and PHACOEMULSIFICATION) 14% of patients showed dry eye symptoms,12% showed decrease in TBUT,11% had lower value of schirmer1 and 8% had lower value of schirmer with anesthesia. Symptoms and signs of dry eye occurred as early as 7th post operative day after cataract surgery and the severity pattern improved over time. So evaluation of patients of both before and after cataract surgery either small incision cataract surgery or phacoemulsification should be done to prevent further damage to the ocular surface and able to manage the patients promptly and effectively so the patients will not have poor quality of life and vision due to dry eye syndrome.
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