Dose mild symptomatic bradycardia in young active female need pacemaker?

Article type :

Case report

Author :

David Shwann

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

46 years old women presented suddenly as fainting attack during her work shortly admitted to the emergency department and the initial work-up, a baseline electrocardiogram revealed irregular rhythm at 41 beats per minute (bpm). The patient denied ever having symptoms of presyncope, syncope, or generalized weakness. A Junior doctor in the emergency department treated patient with Amiodaron infusion to a overcome atrial fibrillation. The patient was monitored on telemetry during his 3-day admission and received Amiodaron orally 200mg×3, in addition, had a 48-hour Holter monitoring performed. He was found to have episodes of atrial fibrillation. A thorough history of the patient’s dietary supplements was obtained, none of which were known to cause bradycardia.

Keyword :

Bradycardia; Pacemaker; Fainting attack
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