Diversity Management and Employee Morale in Tertiary Institutions in Anambra State

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Okafor, Ujunwa Charity ,Okafor Uzodinma Chukwuemeka

Volume :


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Abstract :

The study examined diversity management and employee morale in tertiary institutions in Anambra state - Nigeria. Anambra state is a state in Nigeria, the study explored the relationship and extents of socio-cultural and gender differences have on the employee morale which is targeted at improving organizational productivity (in selected tertiary institutions in Anambra state – Nigeria). The study adopted descriptive survey research utilizing primary data and its instrument of analysis. A sample size of 373 respondents was drawn using Taro Yamane because of the infinite nature of the population. The formula noted that where n is the sample size, N is the population size, and e is the level of precision (allowable error) that is 5% or 0.05. The survey method was used for data collection. The study utilized a statistical table to analyze the study. It adopted face validity to reflect what the test measured and how well it measured it. A Cronbach Alpha method was used to arrive at a coefficient of 0.85 which sustained the reliability of the study. Conclusively, from the descriptive statistical evaluation based on the hypothetical demands of the study, it revealed that socio-cultural workplace and diversity of gender have a significant relationship with employee morale in the selected tertiary institutions in Anambra State. The study recommends that there is a need for the application of socio-cultural workplace diversity and gender differences to make the workers participate effectively towards the achievement of organizational goals and objectives.

Keyword :

Diversity, Management, Tertiary Institutions, Employee Morale and Gender
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