Discussion on the construction of higher education mode for disabled people in information age

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Jinxio Hu

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Look at the current social situation in China , China's disabled higher education is in a relatively backward state . and this phenomenon on the one hand is caused by our social environment factor , on the other hand, the current education policy in China . This paper first analyzes the status quo of higher education for the disabled in China and the significance of implementing higher education for the handicapped , then from culture goal , Teaching mode ,, Professional settings Explore China's disabled higher education training Culture Mode , and combine the current social realities of our country , propose strategies for building a higher education model for disabled persons . to ensure that the rights of the disabled in our country are guaranteed secure , promote social and cultural progress in our country .

Keyword :

Disabled ; Higher Education ; culture Mode ; Special Education
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