Discussion of Current Issues in Sexuality Education and Future Prospects

Article type :

Review article

Author :

Swati Shiradkar

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Reproductive health is one of the very important aspects of human health. Process of development of reproductive system is viewed differently than other systems by parents and society. Hence, children may remain unattended leading to experimentation and exploitation. Educating child about these changes has met with controversies such as necessity of this education, its contents, person imparting it and if it is culturally appropriate, etc. There is a global need to resolve these controversies and design a program to educate adolescents so that they can deal with their developing sexuality effectively and enjoy healthy reproductive life. This article provides a review of current challenges in sexuality education and provides an outlook for improvements going into the future.

Keyword :

Sexuality education, Adolescent health, Reproductive health.

Doi :

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