Digital Education: Future Prospects in India

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Surbhi Jain

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The education has been the backbone of the prosperous society and will always remain one. India is host of one of the oldest civilization and education has always been given the utmost importance for kids. Starting from the culture of gurukuls to the modern distant education, the medium has evolved drastically. One of significant changes in the education medium that we have observed in the recent past is the introduction of digital education. The way the internet connectivity has been expanding in India provides the base for the rapid growth of the digital education. If we check the libraries we could see the changes in the trend where students used to come and read the books and now almost everything is available online and we can see students searching the information on the internet. This paper attempts to identify the benefits of the digital education and the challenges that we face in the success of digital education.

Keyword :

Digital education, E- learning, India
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