Design and Implementation of QoS Aware Priority based MAC for Delay Sensitive Areas of WSN

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

Patel Rinkuben N., Dr. Nirav V. Bhatt

Volume :


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Abstract :

Networking is a trending research area where the various research took place. Diversified filed of the Network is Sensor Network, which is a centrally adopted due to features and flexibility of sensors. Various disciplines like a military, medical, forest, Industries, Health monitoring and more, where WSN is established. Sensors have various pitfalls like limited lifetime and Storage, installed in misanthropic environments. Frequently power up or replace an energy source is a crucial task. Data communication in WSN is possible in the MAC layer. MAC is responsible for node schedule and sensing task. Collision and retransmission also lead to waste of energy. Variety of MAC protocols are developed for various qualities of service factors like energy, latency, reliability, delay, jitter, etc., however, none of them are given a satisfactory result for various QoS parameters. To overcome some of the pitfalls we need to achieve various QoS parameters. In this Research MAC is designed with a priority mechanism over clusters. Data with the highest priority are sent without or with a very negligible amount of delay. Higher priority packets are transmitted before a no prioritized packet. Using various priorities, the node energy, low delay and high throughput are achieved over standard MAC Protocols.

Keyword :

Energy, Delay, MAC, Priority, Throughput, WSN
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