Article type :

Original article

Author :

Mustafa YA?BASAN,?hsan KURTBA?

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

d educators. At the present time, television has also been added to these sources, especially new communication technologies such as social media. The limitations in everyday practices of the children and loss of traditional family role have caused the television both to become a device that forms and creates their individual information and to assume a role almost as “babysitter”. However, the television causes many other physical, psychological and social damages, in addition to its harmful effect to be a model on them and their childhood. The interaction between the children and the television, on the one hand, takes a shape in accordance with the social structures of nations, on the other hand, differs according to the contents of the television broadcasting. Eventually the child (hood) corrupts, loses its distinctive purity and moves away from the genuine values and definitive characteristics at the time it opens to the world outside its own. At that point, the problem is that the mass media exposes the children to violence and consumption by rating concerns. This study bases on some hypothesis that on the ground that there are not any self-control [in the television companies] and control [in the eye of the state-the parents-educational institutions-social service units] mechanisms, or with a more optimistic expression, these mechanisms are insufficient, the childhood is spent in the grip of violence and consumption and the children are more defenseless against the negative effects of the television. Two different techniques were used to investigate these hypotheses. First, a fictitious scenario (sinopse) in which the main theme is violence was told to the children, and an analysis of reception was carried out in relation to their instant responses by means of interviews. The purpose here is to mention how the children consider violence codes on television by understanding how they interpret a fictitious scenario of violence. Second is the implementation of survey in relation to what extent the children recognize the smart signs, how effective the parents are in the television-child interaction, what mass media the children follow and how long, how much space this period takes up in the activities and games and how the children response to the calls of consumption such as advertising. The purpose is to determine the limits of the defense(lessness) for the children relating to the television, advertising in particular. Remarkable results obtained have confirmed the hypotheses; starting from the point of this data, new roadmaps have been formed and various solution proposals presented. Child(hood), Television, Violence, Consumption, Advertising, Recetion

Keyword :

Child(hood), Television, Violence, Consumption, Advertising, Recetion Analyse
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