Crisis and no end? Re-embedding economy into life and nature

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Peter Herrmann

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

There is no end of the crisis in sight. Even more, the long nightmare of forcing Greece onto its knees during the first half of 2015, using banks instead of tanks, shows the contempt for mankind by established superior powers when it comes to defending their interest in a Hobbesian war, irrespective of subsequent human tragedies. A more detailed and radical analysis is needed, allowing a change of the structures underlying the current situation. One point in question is that the European tragedy was and is part of a global drama. The discussion of main paradigms as growth, nationality, statehood and the like have to be at the heart of any debates, questioning their validity. A radical shift is needed, aiming at a proactive and provocative re-interpretation of the future.

Keyword :

political ecology, structural crisis, societal change, globalisation, five giant tensions, social quality
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