Correlation of Balance Scores and Foot Anthropometric Measurements using Bruininks-Oseretsky Score in Healthy Children aged between 6-10 years

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Original article

Author :

Grover Pranjal

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Abstract :

Purpose: Human Balance is an intricate blend of body mass with the neural regulatory mechanisms. As bipedal posture evolved, the complex interplay between the physical dimensions and the neural regulations of balance became more defined. Humans are bipeds and locomote over the ground with one foot in contact (walking), no feet in contact (running), or both feet in contact (standing) creates a major challenge to our balance control system. . The common denominator in the assessment of human balance and posture is the inverted pendulum model where foot and ankle play a key role in maintenance of antero- posterior balance. As the end organ, foot keeps the body upright and balanced. It supports body weight and is the first one to participate in the automatic balance reactions. As the evidence suggests, increased foot length is associated with greater balance ability in children and there is a positive co-relation between foot width and balance. Hence this study was designed to establish a co-relation between foot length and foot width with balance abilities in children. Relevance: while assessing the balance, foot measurements are often neglected. As clinicians, when we design the balance protocol as a part of rehabilitation, we need to consider the anthropometric measurements of the foot. Methods: Cross sectional study. Participants: 64 normal children were randomly selected from a semi-urban population aged between 6- 10 years. Analysis: Spearman’s co-relation analysis. Results: There is weak co- relation between foot length and the balance scores using Bruininks-Oseretsky scale. There is poor co- relation between foot width and the balance scores using Bruininks-Oseretsky scale. Conclusion: There is a weak co-relation between the anthropometric data of the foot and balance scores using ‘Bruininks-Oseretsky test for motor proficiency’ in healthy children aged between 6-10 years. Implications: Inclusion of anthropometric measurements in the balance assessment of children.

Keyword :

Balance, Children, Foot length and foot width.
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