Correlation and comparison between pelvic position and lumbar lordosis in pregnant women

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Abstract :

Background: The purpose of this study was to determine if posture and back pain changed from the first to the third trimester of pregnancy and whether there was a relationship between the two. Aim: To measure, correlate and compare lumbar lordosis with pelvic posture in pregnant women of all three trimesters. Methodology A cross-sectional study was conducted comprising a total of 160 subjects, with an equal number of subjects (n=40) from 1st trimester, 2nd trimester, 3rd trimester and a control group which included non pregnant healthy individuals. Group 1= Ladies in the First Trimester, Group 2= Ladies in the Second Trimester, Group 3= Ladies in the Third Trimester and Group 4= Age and BMI matched women. Each subject from each group had their pelvic inclination angle, lumbar lordosis angle, height and weight for calculating BMI, and hip circumference measured in relaxed standing posture. Results Bonferroni test was used to compare the variables in all the groups of the experiment. A significant difference at p
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