Connective tissue fibre arrangement in skin of crossbreed cattle

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

B.M. Karegaonkar1, P.J. Kapadnis1 and P.N.Thakur

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The collagen fibres were more as compared to other fibres in the papillary layer of the dermis running oblique indirection to skin surface in heifer and parallel to skin surface in pregnant and lactating cows. The elastic fibres were finely branched in the papillary layer than the reticular layer of the dermis and were arranged parallel to the epidermis in heifer, pregnant and lactating cows and vertical in direction at the hair bulb. The reticular fibres were more coarse than that of collagen and elastic fibres and were present in all the directions and were invented in the collagen and elastic fibres in the papillary layer of the dermis. The reticular layer of the dermis consisted of collagen, elastic and reticular fibres alongwith muscle fibres with dense arrangement horizontal to epidermis.

Keyword :

Connective tissue fibres, skin, crossbreed cattle
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