Concept of avartana W.S.R. to sneh kalpana

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Abstract :

In Ayurvedic literature, various methods are described to potentiate the efficacy of a drug or Ayurvedic formulation. e.g. Bhawna, Ghana, Raskriya, etc. Avartana ia a kind of “Sanskar” which means Gunanteradhan i.e. assimilation of newer properties in a product/ formulation. In our classical texts reference of avartana came in Carak Samhita in the context of sneha as Anu tail, Aamlakayadi ghrit, Bhallatak tail and in Sushrut samhita with reference of Shatpaki & shastra paki tail etc. In reference of Sneha kalpana , the avartana helps to potentiate the properties of the sneha by adding prescribed quantity of ingredients. It helps in drug absorption and delayed excretion on administration. Here the concept of avartana, its method and advantages are discussed in vivid way.
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